American Veterans Honor & Reflective Remembrance Committee

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AVHRRC - Established October 11th, 2022

Our Mission is Clear, Honorable and Totally Patriotic

What we do as a Mission driven organization is to Honor the Inner Soul of “All American Patriots, both Men & Women”, with period Entertainment, Great Food and Camaraderie. The inner child never dies, all it needs is to be reawakened. We will always be 17 years old at Heart.

Mission Statement: Our organizational creed provides excellence in the historical portrayal of Military Entertainment Events to gather and honor American Veterans through period portrayal events. Our goal is to enhance awareness through entertainment, reenactments, period food recreations, room bookings for veterans, airport transportation, living history accountings, and video recordings. No alcoholic beverages will be served at our events, as they are always to be family oriented. 

A Military chaplain will always be present at all our events, and Taps will be played honoring veterans, living and deceased. My committee and staff are held to the highest standards of integrity, and professional customer service. We will provide exceptional care for the needs of attending veterans. Entertainment accuracy is essential to portrayals of conflict periods in U.S. military history. 2024 will be the year to honor all women of WW2, from the home front, working in the factories, the farms, the military branches all across America and overseas. In the coming years as our organization matures, we will continue to honor veterans of all armed conflicts to include the Korean War, Vietnam, Gulf War, and current American commitments abroad. We strive to provide period entertainment, great food, and fellowship to our veterans and their families. Why can’t our veterans enjoy a day off and become 18 once more, swinging to Glen Miller, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Bobby Darin, the Grass Roots or any current musical genre down the road.

Let us always remember the sacrifices made by all our American Patriots, with so many making the ultimate sacrifice to keep our amazing country free. We will never forget them. Please remember to thank a serviceman or servicewomen, when you see them. They are our current “Greatest Generation” and deserve your continued support, a simple thank you for their service is required.

My amazing interview at abc27 WHTM - February 19th, 2024

One of our own, Ron Falciano will be on TV this coming Monday, February 19th, 2024 at 10am on WHTM-Channel 27 (ABC affiliate) 

Please tune in and watch him promote his organization, American Veterans Honor and Reflective Remembrance Committee.
Please spread the word and pray for him and his organization. 
Thank you.