American Veterans Honor & Reflective Remembrance Committee

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Take a look at this from a program affiliated with AARP called Wish of a Lifetime.  I think a few of the vets and entertainers in attendance last week may want to submit a wish.
Living Legend Vicki is Honored at the Military Women’s Memorial | Wish of a Lifetime.
AVHRRC just donated to National WASP WWII Museum! Will you join me in supporting their cause?

The National WASP WWII Museum is working towards a $5.5 million Capital Expansion Project that will nearly double our current size. The new facility will provide a state-of-the-art, climate controlled preservation for all WASP artifacts and documents, which is crucial to protect these historical artifacts and provide the space necessary to expand the collection.

Our WASP Traveling Exhibit and newly-restored Vultee BT-13 Valiant (the same model the WASP flew in WWII) take the inspiring history of the WASP on the road to share the inspiring stories of the WASP with American of all ages at their schools, civic centers, airshows, and other events across the country.

And we’re kicking off our Oral History Project to capture the incredible stories of the WASP before they’re lost forever.

All of this and more is only possible with your generous support, so please make your tax-deductible donation using the secure form below.  Thank you so much for your support.

Your generosity plays an integral part in ensuring that the heroic sacrifices of
America’s World War II Women Airforce Service Pilots will never be forgotten.

Because of you, future generations of Americans will honor the legacy of these fearless, patriotic, and ground-breaking women who left their hometowns across the United States to serve their country.

So thank you, once again, for your continued support of this important museum dedicated to an oft-forgotten but groundbreaking groups of Veterans. If it wasn’t for patriots like you, their legacy would be in peril.

I look forward to continuing to work with you in the future to preserve
this integral part of our great nation’s history.

Dear Ronald,

We are humbled by your 36.26 donation and we can’t express how much it means to our WWII veterans.  Thank you for your generosity towards these aging heroes who fought so hard for our freedom.

Our organization will use this wonderfully thoughtful gift to return D-Day and Normandy veterans back to France to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the invasion.

It would be impossible for us to operate this organization without people like you who care enough to give financial support to these heroes. Thank you for remembering that freedom is not free.

– The FYV Team